Extension of the Quantum Research Team of Alhambra-Eidos and new line of research underway
Completed the fundamental tasks of the study of the art of theoretical content on software engineering and quantum programming, as well as the study of the current state of the art of technologies, systems, environments, simulators and languages of quantum programming, we have two key updates to give about the state of the equipment and its tasks.
First, thanks to the results of the work carried out by Quantum Research Team, it has defined two new lines of research in the field of software engineering and quantum programming:
- Software Engineering: Updating and learning of the systems and standards that the development of quantum software requires in its theoretical and practical form
- Software development life cycle: the classic phases for the development of current software must be updated and learn to blend in with the new emerging requirements that quantum development imposes in order to manage a software project of these characteristics.
Second, in order to address the new lines of quantum research, as well as other tasks of research on quantum software,
Quantum Research Team is expanded and becomes a new and better entity:

The team becomes structured by the following members:
- Guido Peterssen Nodarse – Director I+D y Soluciones Software Alhambra – aQuantum Leader
- Mario Piattini Velthuis – Ph.D. Computer Science. Full Professor UCLM – aQuantum Science team Leader
- José Luis Hevia Oliver – Software Architect & Software Solutions IT Manager – aQuantum Technology team Leader
- Macario Polo Usaola – Ph.D. Computer Science. Full Professor UCLM – aQuantum Senior Research
- Manuel Ángel Serrano Martin – Ph.D. Computer Science. Associate Professor UCLM – aQuantum Senior Research
- Ricardo Pérez del Castillo – Ph.D. Computer Science. Associate Professor UCLM – aQuantum Senior Research
- Claudio Andrés Paradela – Senior IT Project Manager & Software Architect – aQuantum Research Consultant
- Juan José Gómez Borrallo – CEO Enki.Blue – aQuantum AI Research Consultant
- Jose María Ochoa – Cybersecurity Area Manager and LAB SEC_BlockChain Codirector – aQuantum Cybersecurity Research Consultant
- Guillermo José Hernández González- Quality and Practices Expert – aQuantum Research Consultant
This is a critical milestone, because, although the management of a larger team brings new challenges, thanks to the growth of the team we can get to work on producing new results.
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