aQuantum Labs

Quantum computing requires an approach from different points of view. Research in this field must be approached through open innovation in collaboration with expert in different areas.
That is why we have promoted the creation of the aQuantum Labs that allow us to work together with researchers from different fields, highly specialized in very specific areas of knowledge, on projects closely linked to aQuantum’s R&D Lines.
Through specific projects within aQuantum Labs, we share quantum technology platform, knowledge and expertise in quantum software development with our partners to jointly create pioneering industry-ready solutions that enhance the experience of practical quantum software.
The aQuantum Labs powered by aQuantum enable us to experiment with innovative ideas, carry out proof-of-concepts and implementations in partnership with the main research groups and institutes, which considerably enriches and accelerates the research results of the participants in the different projects..

Software Engineering and Programming
Project: Joint Research Unit on Quantum Software Engineering and Development (QSED)
Participates: University of Castilla La Mancha (UCLM) and aQuantum
aQuantum Responsible: Vladimir Algara García
Scientific Director: Prof. Ph.D. Ignacio García Rodríguez de Guzmán
Team: Alarcos Research Group & aQuantum
Research areas:
- Quantum Software Engineering
- Quantum Software Testing
- Quantum Software Quality
- Hybrid (Classical/Quantum) Systems Modernization

Software applied to Life Sciences
Project: Joint Research Unit on Quantum Software Applied to Life Sciences (UMIQ)
Participates: University of Extremadura (UEx) and aQuantum
aQuantum Responsible: Ezequiel Murina Moreno
Scientific Director: Prof. Ph.D. José Manual García Alonso
Team: Quercus Software Engineering Group & aQuantum
Research areas:
- Quantum software applied to:
- Agriculture
- Food science
- Medicine and Health Care

Artificial Intelligence
Project: Joint Research Unit on Quantum Artificial Intelligence (AQAI)
Participates: University of Alicante (UA) and aQuantum
aQuantum Responsible: Ezequiel Murina Moreno
Scientific Director: Prof. Ph.D. Juan Carlos Trujillo
Team: Lucentia Research Group & aQuantum
Research areas:
- Quantum Machine Learning
- Quantum Natural Language Processing

Security and Cryptography
Project: Quantum Software Applied to Cybersecurity (QSAC)
Participates: aQuantum
aQuantum Responsible: José María Ochoa
Team: aQuantum
Research areas:
- Quantum cryptographic algorithms
- Software solutions for quantum cybersecurity services
- Quantum security verticals

Industry-Ready Software
Project: Quantum Software Security Engineering (QSSE)
Participates: University of Deusto and aQuantum
aQuantum Responsible: Aurelio Martínez Corbacho
Scientific Director: Prof. Ph.D. Pablo García Bringas
Team: D4K – Deusto for Knowledge and aQuantum
Research areas:
- Quantum Knowledge Transfer
- Quantum Industry
- Software Security Engineering
- Secure industrial data integration

Sustainable Software
Project: Green Quantum Algorithms & Software (GQAS)
Participates: aQuantum
aQuantum Responsible: Vladimir Algara García
Scientific Director: Prof. Ph.D. Coral Calero
Team: aQuantum
Research areas:
- Green Quantum Software
- Quantum Software Sustainability
- Green Software Engineering
Albasanz, 16
Edificio Antalia, Planta 4ª
28037 Madrid – España
Tel: +34 91 787 23 00
Fax: +34 91 787 23 01
aQuantum | Quantum Software Engineering