The QHealth project Consortium has selected QuantumPath (QPath) as the quantum platform that will provide the technological support to the “Quantum Pharmacogenomics Applied to Aging” project.
It has reached this conclusion after a broad and in-depth comparative study of the most relevant tools for quantum software development, which facilitate working with the proprietary technologies of the large quantum computing providers. In this case, the potentiality of QPath´s application in a critical business ecosystem such as the one that will demand a health-oriented software solution was considered.
The fundamental objective of the study was to investigate what functionalities each of the new platforms and tools can provide. And, above all, the elements that should guarantee a product for the analysis of pharmacogenomics problems applied to aging. From this point of view, the study carried out found that:
- There are no de facto standards, so the selected product must be modular and flexible enough to adapt to the rapid changes that may occur.
- All manufacturers offer development environments and services that are highly oriented towards research and testing environments. Each manufacturer contributes its solutions, its company philosophy and has specific software dependencies. The chosen product must provide a level of abstraction that allows the solution to be independent of the underlying technologies.
- There are suppliers of gate-based quantum computers that in the coming years could become business realities. Today, they still must solve relevant issues such as qubit resolution and error control. The selected product should have these aspects included so that it can be able to use and scale this functionality as major developments in this field take place
- The QAOA optimization technologies that are based on annealing principles are mature and provide the necessary confidence to bet on them in the research and design of a system such as the one proposed in QHealth. The chosen product must be able to provide a set of interfaces and services that allow these technologies to be used with confidence in a business environment.
- Given that current priorities are to have hardware products capable of serving the business, the importance of software engineering associated with this type of product is being neglected. The product to be used must guarantee that both the assets generated and their life cycle are properly managed.
In this context, QPath was chosen as the general purpose quantum platform of the project, as it was concluded that it provides the necessary modules adequately support to a health research project of the depth of QHealth. In fact, it is of great relevance to overcome the enormous challenges of the project that the platform:
- Be 100% agnostic to provide in the different work packages, the scaling required for the execution of the experiments in the most optimal way possible (both in simulators and quantum computers)
- Efficiently support the two quantum technological approaches (gates and annealing), which will be decisive for the most appropriate quantum solution to be used in the different challenges to be solved, taking into account the best possible algorithm to be applied without depending on the technological approach.
- Facilitate and provide real guarantees, in this case thanks to its qSOATM architecture, to make the practical projection of research viable, where the viability of real-time integration of quantum services with classical health systems is essential,
The project “QHealth: Quantum Pharmacogenomics applied to aging” has a total budget of € 5,160,477.00 and has received a grant from the CDTI (Center for Industrial Technological Development of Spain) of € 3,671,281.69. The project has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund).
We are proud that QPath can directly contribute to the success of such an important research from a human and social point of view as QHealth, focused on improving the quality of life of elderly people thanks to the practical application of personalized medicine.
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