Luis Jiménez, Ricardo Perez-Castillo, and Mario Piattini, members of aQuantum, have co-authored the article entitled “Dynamic Analysis of Quantum Annealing Programs” published in the The Journal of Systems and Software.
This article focuses on the reverse engineering of quantum annealing software to facilitate its integration into hybrid software systems. Although some preliminary reverse engineering techniques exist for gate-based quantum software, there are no reverse engineering techniques with which to discover the definitions of the underlying optimization problems (the Hamiltonian functions to be minimized). In turn, the problem definitions are defined dynamically by classical software and may evolve over time, which makes their exact understanding and abstract representation difficult. This work, therefore, presents a dynamic analysis technique for D-Wave (Python) programs with which to reverse Hamiltonian expressions, which are also represented according to the Knowledge Discovery Metamodel. The use of this standard makes it possible to represent reversed Hamiltonians in combination with other parts of classical-quantum software systems. To facilitate its adoption, the proposed technique has been empirically validated by means of a case study with 27 D-Wave programs that demonstrates its effectiveness and efficiency.
The aQuantum Team congratulates Luis, Ricardo and Mario for the publication of this article.
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