Mario Piattini, aQuantum CRO, among the Best Computer Science Scientists in Spain

Mario Piattini, aQuantum CRO, among the Best Computer Science Scientists in Spain

Our colleague Mario Piattini, Chief Research Officer (CRO) of aQuantum and Leader of the Alarcos Research Group, University of Castilla-La Mancha, is the 8th Best Computer Science Scientist in Spain, according to the 9th edition of Our colleagues, Coral...
January 2023: the aQuantum Team continues to grow

January 2023: the aQuantum Team continues to grow

aQuantum continues to enrich its polymath team for the development of quantum software, this time with the incorporation of Laura Martínez Gallego, Mathematician with competences in software development and Data Science. With Laura’s incorporation to the Quantum...
October 2022: the aQuantum Team continues to grow

October 2022: the aQuantum Team continues to grow

aQuantum’s research and development activity continues to grow and to respond satisfactorily to these production needs the team has increased again, this month with six new scientists and technicians. This time, the destination of the new incorporations is the...
2021 aQuantum Highlights

2021 aQuantum Highlights

As in previous years, 2021 has been another year of growth and consolidation for aQuantum in research, development, consulting and services in Quantum Software Engineering and Development. As an expression of the growth of our activity and of preparing ourselves for...
The aQuantum team continues to grow with a new member

The aQuantum team continues to grow with a new member

Our activity in the development of software, algorithms and quantum apps is not only constant, but is also growing steadily. Therefore we keep open, permanently, the call for the selection of Physicists, Mathematicians and Computer Engineers to incorporate them into...
aQuantum member included in the list of 52 Wonder Women Working In Industry As Quantum Scientists & Engineers of TQD

aQuantum member included in the list of 52 Wonder Women Working In Industry As Quantum Scientists & Engineers of TQD

Our colleague Giovanna Gómez Díaz, member of the aQuantum, has been included in this list of 52 Wonder Women Working In Industry As Quantum Scientists & Engineers. As recently published James Dargan in The Quantum Daily (TQD), “TQD has come up with a list of...