by aquantum | Jul 4, 2023 | aQuantum, Grupo Alarcos, Hybrid quantum/classical software systems, Mario Piattini, QPath, Quantum Computing, Quantum Programming, Quantum Software, Quantum Software Engineering, Quantum workforce, QuantumPath, Research Line, SEKE, Software, Talavera Manifesto, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Mario Piattini, aQuantum CRO, gave the keynote lecture “Quantum Software Engineering: Practical Challenges” at the 2023 SEKE (Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering) International Conference. This 35th edition of SEKE was held in San Francisco Bay, USA from...
by aquantum | Jun 29, 2023 | aQuantum, Grupo Alarcos, Hybrid Classical-Quantum Computing, Hybrid quantum/classical software systems, III-LIDI, JCC-BD&ET, Learning, Marcelo Naiouf, Mario Piattini, Martín López Armengol, Quantum Computing, Quantum Programming, Quantum Software, Quantum Software Engineering, Quantum Technology, Quantum workforce, Research Line, Software, Talavera Manifesto, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, UNLP
Mario Piattini, Professor at the UCLM and aQuantum CRO, has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the National University of La Plata (Universidad Nacional de La Plata), which is the second most important university in Argentina and one of the 15 leading higher...
by aquantum | Jun 28, 2023 | aQuantum, Grupo Alarcos, Hybrid Classical-Quantum Computing, III-LIDI, Industry-Ready Software, JCC-BD&ET, Mario Piattini, QPath, Quantum, Quantum Computing, Quantum Programming, Quantum Software, Quantum Software Engineering, Quantum Technology, Quantum workforce, QuantumPath, Research Line, Software, Talavera Manifesto, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, UNLP
Mario Piattini, aQuantum CRO, gave the keynote lecture “Quantum Software Engineering: Challenges and Opportunities” at the XI Cloud Computing, Big Data & Emerging Topics Conference (JCC-BD&ET), an annual meeting for the exchange of ideas, projects, scientific...
by aquantum | Apr 14, 2023 | aQuantum, aQuantum Lab, BizDevOps, Green Quantum Algorithms & Software, Grupo Alarcos, Guido Peterssen, Hybrid Classical-Quantum Computing, Industry-Ready Software, José Luis Hevia, Mario Piattini, Publication, Q Agnostic, Q Agnostic QAOA, Q ALM, Q Asset Compositor, Q BizDevOps, Q Hybrid, Q Marketeplace, Q Risk Management, Q Tester APP, Q Verticals, QAOA, QPath, qSOA, QTester APP, Quality Quantum Software, Quantum, Quantum algorithms, Quantum Annealing, Quantum Computing, Quantum Gates, Quantum Programming, Quantum Software, Quantum Software Engineering, Quantum Software Testing, Quantum Technology, Quantum workforce, QuantumPath, Research Line, Software, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, World Quantum Day
Guido Peterssen, Mario Piattini y José Luis Hevia, members of aQuantum, have published in The QPath Blog the article “Some reflections on professional quantum/classical software development”. In the article the authors share with readers, on the occasion of...
by aquantum | Mar 24, 2023 | aQuantum, Coral Calero, Felix Garcia, Green Quantum Algorithms & Software, Green Software, Grupo Alarcos, Hybrid Classical-Quantum Computing, Mario Piattini, Quantum, Quantum Computing, Quantum Programming, Quantum Software, Quantum Software Engineering, Quantum Technology, QuantumPath, Research Line,, Software, Software Sustainability, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Woman
Our colleague Mario Piattini, Chief Research Officer (CRO) of aQuantum and Leader of the Alarcos Research Group, University of Castilla-La Mancha, is the 8th Best Computer Science Scientist in Spain, according to the 9th edition of Our colleagues, Coral...
by aquantum | Mar 9, 2023 | aQuantum, Escuela Superior de Informática, Grupo Alarcos, Guido Peterssen, Learning, QPath, Quantum, Quantum Computing, Quantum Programming, Quantum Software, Quantum Software Engineering, Quantum Technology, Quantum workforce, QuantumPath, Research Line, Software, Talavera Manifesto, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
One of the critical factors for the success of quantum computing is to solve the increasing need of a well-prepared quantum workforce. If we think about the future of the quantum industry, we must necessarily address the underlying problem: make profound changes in...
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