QuantumPath® will be the quantum platform applied in the QU-ASAP project

QuantumPath® will be the quantum platform applied in the QU-ASAP project

The research team of the QU-ASAP project has selected QuantumPath® as the quantum platform to support the research project. Our aQuantum colleagues from the Alarcos Research group together with researchers from the SciCom group in Ciudad Real and Talavera have...
The Talavera Manifesto turns 3 years old!!

The Talavera Manifesto turns 3 years old!!

On February 12, 2020 during the International Workshop on the QuANtum SoftWare Engineering & pRogramming (QANSWER 2020) held in Talavera de la Reina,  the Talavera Manifesto for Quantum Software Engineering and Programming was signed. The Talavera Manifesto has...
aQuantum sponsors the 2nd edition of the “Course on Quantum Software Programming”

aQuantum sponsors the 2nd edition of the “Course on Quantum Software Programming”

aQuantum sponsors the second edition (in Spanish) of the Course on Quantum Software Programming (“Curso Propio de Programación de Software Cuántico”) organised by the University of Castilla-La Mancha. This course will be taught 100% online, between June and October...
José Luis Hevia talks about aQuantum’s commitment to sustainable quantum software in “todo al verde” on radio intereconomía

José Luis Hevia talks about aQuantum’s commitment to sustainable quantum software in “todo al verde” on radio intereconomía

Jose L Hevia, aQuantum CTO, had the opportunity to attend the radio program “todo al verde” of Spanish radio channel “radio intereconomía” on February 03, 2023. “Todo al verde” (all to green) is the space dedicated to the environment in the...
Deusto University and aQuantum sign an agreement to promote Quantum Industry-Ready Software

Deusto University and aQuantum sign an agreement to promote Quantum Industry-Ready Software

As part of its Research and Development (R&D) policy implemented by the aQuantum Labs, that allow to experiment with innovative ideas, carry out proof-of-concepts and implementations in partnership with the main software research groups and institutes, aQuantum...
January 2023: the aQuantum Team continues to grow

January 2023: the aQuantum Team continues to grow

aQuantum continues to enrich its polymath team for the development of quantum software, this time with the incorporation of Laura Martínez Gallego, Mathematician with competences in software development and Data Science. With Laura’s incorporation to the Quantum...