Quantum Software Engineering & QuantumPath®

Quantum Software Engineering & QuantumPath®

Guido Peterssen, José Luis Hevia and Mario Piattini, members of aQuantum, have published in English the book “Quantum Software Engineering & QuantumPath®”, in which a dozen aQuantum members participate as co-authors of different chapters. In the book,...
aQuantum at I.E.S Torreón del Alcázar: bringing quantum computing closer to high school students

aQuantum at I.E.S Torreón del Alcázar: bringing quantum computing closer to high school students

Within the framework of the quantum literacy activities that we carry out at aQuantum, one of the activities to which we pay special attention is the dissemination of quantum computing concepts in schools and institutes. Our aQuantum colleague, Ignacio García...
aQuantum at UCLM: Present and future of quantum software

aQuantum at UCLM: Present and future of quantum software

One of the critical factors for the success of quantum computing is to solve the increasing need of a well-prepared quantum workforce. If we think about the future of the quantum industry, we must necessarily address the underlying problem: make profound changes in...
Mario Piattini, “Award of Castilla-La Mancha for the research and innovation trajectory”

Mario Piattini, “Award of Castilla-La Mancha for the research and innovation trajectory”

Mario Piattini, aQuantum CRO, has been awarded for the research and innovation trajectory of Castilla-La Mancha. The jury of the award highlights not only the quality of the research carried out by the winner, but also his transfer-oriented approach to research and...
Quantum Natural Language Processing: Working Meeting between aQuantum and 1MillionBot

Quantum Natural Language Processing: Working Meeting between aQuantum and 1MillionBot

This February a working meeting was held between 1MillionBot, Solution Partner of aQuantum Network, and aQuantum, in order to study the realization of joint projects in the area of the use of quantum computing in natural language processing. As is well known,...
The aQuantum Artificial Intelligence Lab between aQuantum and Alicante University has been established

The aQuantum Artificial Intelligence Lab between aQuantum and Alicante University has been established

As part of its policy of creating aQuantum Labs that allow to experiment with innovative ideas, carry out proof-of-concepts and implementations in partnership with the main research groups and institutes, aQuantum has established in collaboration with the Alicante...