A guide to getting to know QuantumPath

A guide to getting to know QuantumPath

Are you interested in knowing how QPath manages the life cycle of quantum algorithm and APP development, from the creation of the quantum algorithm through its development, testing and implementation, to its deployment and reuse? If the answer to this question is...
Posted a new aQuantum article: Toward a Quantum Software Engineering

Posted a new aQuantum article: Toward a Quantum Software Engineering

Mario Piattini, Manuel Serrano, Ricardo Perez-Castillo, Guido Peterssen and Jose Luis Hevia, members of aQuantum, have co-authored the article entitled “Toward a Quantum Software Engineering” published in the IT Professional journal of the IEEE. This article addresses...
New aQuantum paper: Math and Physics Tools for Quality Quantum Programming

New aQuantum paper: Math and Physics Tools for Quality Quantum Programming

A solid knowledge base in math and physics is essential for a workforce able to develop high quality quantum technology. This work addresses the necessity of quantum literacy for the creation of a new workforce, proposing the basic math tools and physics background...