Deusto University and aQuantum sign an agreement to promote Quantum Industry-Ready Software

Deusto University and aQuantum sign an agreement to promote Quantum Industry-Ready Software

As part of its Research and Development (R&D) policy implemented by the aQuantum Labs, that allow to experiment with innovative ideas, carry out proof-of-concepts and implementations in partnership with the main software research groups and institutes, aQuantum...
aQuantum Labs, accelerators of applied research in quantum software development for the real world

aQuantum Labs, accelerators of applied research in quantum software development for the real world

by Guido Peterssen, Mario Piattini and José Luis Hevia. The history of aQuantum´s origin and evolution is closely tied to research and development in the field of quantum software. From 2018 to date, aQuantum’s heartbeat has kept pace with research and...
Q Assets Compositor® 2.0 released for the development of quantum gate circuits with dynamic qubits scaling

Q Assets Compositor® 2.0 released for the development of quantum gate circuits with dynamic qubits scaling

José Luis Hevia, Mario Piattini and Guido Peterssen, members of aQuantum, have published the article “Q Asset Compositor® 2.0: functionalities and scalability for developing industry-ready quantum circuits with QuantumPath®” in The QPath Blog. In this article, the...
Practical Quantum Computing: 3-qubit random number generator with QuantumPath®

Practical Quantum Computing: 3-qubit random number generator with QuantumPath®

José Luis Hevia and Alonso Martin-Toledano, members of aQuantum, have co-authored the article entitled “Practical Quantum Computing with QuantumPath®: 3-qubit random number generator”, published in The QPath® Blog. Starting from a brief explanation about random...
Quantum Pharmacogenomics with QuantumPath® on Amazon Braket

Quantum Pharmacogenomics with QuantumPath® on Amazon Braket

José Luis Hevia, Guido Peterssen and Mario Piattini, members of aQuantum, have co-authored the article entitled “Quantum Pharmacogenomics with QuantumPath on Amazon Braket” published in The QPath Blog. In this post the authors discuss the characteristics of health and...
AWS Webinar: Quantum Software Engineering with QuantumPath® on AWS Braket

AWS Webinar: Quantum Software Engineering with QuantumPath® on AWS Braket

As part of the AWS (Amazon Web Services) events, José Luis Hevia, Founder & CTO of aQuantum together with Nihit Pokhrel, Partner Solutions Architect, HPC at Amazon Web Services (AWS), have presented the video: “Software Engineering with QuantumPath® with AWS” In...