aQuantum Blog
aQuantum is organizing the next 2nd International Quantum Software Engineering and Technology Workshop
aQuantum is organizing the next 2nd International Quantum Software Engineering and Technology Workshop (QSET’21) within the IEEE Quantum Week (IEEE...
aQuantum makes QuantumPath available to aQNetwork members
Members of aQuantum Partner Network (aQNetwork) will be able to experiment and work on the development of their quantum activities with QuantumPath...
aQuantum announces a limited release of QuantumPath
aQuantum Software Engineering, specialized in research, development, consulting, and services in the fields of Quantum Software Engineering and...
QuantumPath selected as the quantum platform for the summer course “Introduction to quantum software programming” at the UCLM
The Vice-Rectorate for Culture, Sports and Social Responsibility of the University of Castilla-La Mancha has approved the celebration of the summer...
QuantumPath selected as the quantum software development platform for the QHealth project
The QHealth project Consortium has selected QuantumPath (QPath) as the quantum platform that will provide the technological support to the “Quantum...
Posted a new aQuantum article: Requirements for a Robust Quantum Software Development Environment
Mario Piattini aQuantum’s Chief Research Officer, have authored the article entitled “Requirements for a Robust Quantum Software Development...
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aQuantum | Quantum Software Engineering