aQuantum Blog

Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí becomes an Academic Partner of aQuantum

Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí becomes an Academic Partner of aQuantum

Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí (Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, UASLP) and aQuantum sign a Collaboration Agreement for the joint...

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aQuantum member included in the list of 52 Wonder Women Working In Industry As Quantum Scientists & Engineers of TQD

aQuantum member included in the list of 52 Wonder Women Working In Industry As Quantum Scientists & Engineers of TQD

Our colleague Giovanna Gómez Díaz, member of the aQuantum, has been included in this list of 52 Wonder Women Working In Industry As Quantum...

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“KDM to UML Model Transformation for Quantum Software Modernization”, new article by aQuantum

“KDM to UML Model Transformation for Quantum Software Modernization”, new article by aQuantum

Luis Jiménez Navajas, Ricardo Pérez del Castillo, and Mario Piattini members of aQuantum, have co-authored the article entitled “KDM to UML Model...

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Posted a new aQuantum article: “Quantum Computing”

Posted a new aQuantum article: “Quantum Computing”

Jose Luis Hevia, Mario Piattini and Guido Peterssen  members of aQuantum, with the collaboration of Christof Ebert have co-authored the article...

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aQuantum Fundamentals, an important contribution to Quantum Software Engineering and Programming literacy

aQuantum Fundamentals, an important contribution to Quantum Software Engineering and Programming literacy

Within the framework of the actions to promote the industry and the training of personnel related to quantum software programming and engineering,...

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The ULCM Summer Course “Introduction to quantum software programming with QPath” has been a success

The ULCM Summer Course “Introduction to quantum software programming with QPath” has been a success

On July 20 and 21, University of Castilla-La Mancha organised the summer course: Introduction to quantum software programming with QPath. This...

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