Mario Piattini, from aQuantum, acted as Co-chair of the Program Committee of the 20th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC, 2022), held in Sevilla (Spain) November 29th – December 2nd, 2022.
Juan Manuel Murillo from UIMQ (Joint Quantum Software Research Unit aQuantum-UEx), Managing Director of Cenits and member of the QHealth project, gave a keynote on “Quantum Service-Oriented Computing: Challenges and Research Directions for Quantum and Hybrid Software System”, that could be summarized in five statements:
1) Quantum and classical computers will coexist, each dedicated to the tasks at which they are most efficient;
2) Quantum computers will be part of the cloud infrastructure and will be, indeed already are, accessible through the Internet;
3) Complex software systems will be made up of smaller pieces that will collaborate with each other;
4) Some of those pieces will be quantum, therefore the systems of the future will be hybrid; and
5) The coexistence and interaction between the components of said hybrid systems will be supported by service composition and the development of quantum services will be governed by the current general criteria of Service Engineering (composability, reusability, maintainability, etc.).
The proceedings of the ICSOC 2022 conference can be found in
The aQuantum Team congratulates Juan Manuel and Mario for their contribution to the dissemination of Quantum Software and Service Engineering.
Learn more about the events in which aQuantum and its team participate here.
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