If you don’t know QPath we can briefly define it as the first quantum development & application lifecycle platform for the creation of high-quality quantum algorithms in the hybrid solutions ecosystem. But QPath is much more than that.
Would you like to know more? Then, we invite you to attend the Cycle of free webinars on QPath that aQuantum will do in the coming months in which, through practical demonstrations with examples, we will show you how to take your company to the next level thanks to QPath!
The schedule for the QPaths webinar cycle is as follows:
- Talking about QPath, the quantum development & aplication lifecycle platform
Thursday 25th of February
- Introduction to agnostic quantum software development with QPath
Thursday 25th of March
- Developing classical/quantum hybrid software with QPath
Thursday 29th of April
Through these webinars, the creators of QPath will show how this Platform works and why QuantumPath is an accelerator for the adoption of quantum software that contributes to the democratization of quantum computing access.
Learn more about the aQuantum cycle of webinars on QPath and how to register for free here.
We will wait for you!
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