As members of the Bilbao quantum ecosystem, last September 17th aQuantum had the pleasure of attending the splendid launch of Bizkaia Quantum Advanced Industries (BIQAIN), the industrial strategy of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia in quantum technology to consolidate the leading position of the territory in this field, accelerating the development and commercialization of innovations in quantum technology thanks to the collaboration of technology and research centers, universities, business initiative, Bizkaia’s society and the Provincial Council.

For the past few months aQuantum has had the honor, and the great responsibility, of working with Telefónica in the preparation of the backend of quantum services management which, as announced on Quantum Now 24, will soon begin to offer BIQAIN to the players listed above so that they can remotely access an impressive variety of quantum platforms from different technologies and manufacturers.

As part of the Telefónica Project Office, aQuantum will provide the technical office tasks for the centralized governance of BIQAIN quantum resources, using the advantages offered by QuantumPath®‘s Q|GovCenter functionalities for the management of private quantum hub resources: organizations, users, quantum solution demanders, quantum hardware providers (initially in this hub AWS, D-Wave, IQM, Microsoft, Qilimanjaro and others), etc.

A special congratulations to Lantik, Nerea Martiartu and, especially, to Valentín García and his team, for the excellent work done to transform the BIQAIN vision into a reality that will contribute, very actively, to the development and adoption of practical quantum computing by the industry.

BIQAIN is part of the BasQ initiative promoted by the Department of Science, Universities and Innovation of the Basque Government.

Learn more about BIQAIN here.